Flowers with Spool Holders

Make these Flowers with Spool Holders. The craft comes with patterns for the flowers to make it easy for young crafters to help with the project but some tools require the assistance of an adult. These are perfect as a gift or decoration for their own room.
Assorted spools of Coats thread
Assorted fabric scraps in greens and flower colors
Assorted 1
⁄3 yd. (.3 m) cuts of 1
⁄4"(.23 cm)-wide ribbon
Fusible web
Colorful flower shaped buttons
Additional Requirements
Green wrapped florist wire
Wire cutters
Craft glue
Template plastic or tracing paper
Pinking shears (optional)
1. Prepare all the fabrics by fusing two layers wrong sides together. This adds stability to the fabric so it will stand up on its own. Pieces need to be only slightly larger than their corresponding pattern piece.
2. Trace the Small Flower, Large Flower and Leaf templates onto plastic or tracing paper.
3. Cut out the number of small and large flowers you need from the assorted scraps. Cut leaves from the assorted greens.
4. For double-layer flowers, layer one small and one large flower together. Hand stitch the layers together while attaching a button center. For single-layer flowers, sew the button to the center.
5. Decide on the height of the flower(s) and cut the florist wire to the lengths desired. The wire length should go to the base of the spool for added stability. Glue the wire to the underside of the flowers and
allow to dry.
6. Prepare the spools by either tying a length (or two) of ribbon around them, then trimming to the desired length, or by wrapping a length of fabric around the spool and gluing the overlap on the back side.
7. Insert the flower(s) into the top spool hole and glue into place. If necessary, add some glue through the bottom hole as well to hold the stem upright.
8. Glue the leaves in place along the stems as desired.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

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