Geometric String Art

This is a craft that has been arouond for some time, but never loses it’s appeal. Also a good exercise for measuring and graphing.
Graph Paper
Glue Sticks
Large Needle*
Tool to Puncture*
*To be used under the supervision of a responsible adult.
Step 1: Use a glue stick to glue a piece of graph paper to the back of a black piece of cardstock.
Step 2: Draw an 8 inch square with the pencil. Using the graph lines as guides, draw points to make a symmetrical pattern design.
Step 3: Use a pencil and ruler to draw horizontal target lines across the paper to connect the points. Use the needle tool to punch a hole through each point.
Step 4: Cut 3 ft. of string and thread the #18 needle. Pull the string through the first hole and tape the string to the paper to secure the end. Next, push the needle through the first hole on the target line from the front side of the paper. Return to the point hole and repeat this procedure for each hole on the target line. Continue passing the string through the point holes to complete the first layer.
Step 5: Repeat the complete procedure using the other point holes. With two point holes and one target line you will make a diamond shape design on this layer.
Step 6: Repeat the complete procedure using the next set of point holes. On this layer you are creating four outer spokes on the design.
Step 7: Repeat the procedure one more time using the last set of point holes. On this layer you are finishing the middle of the design. Trim out the 8 inch square.
This project is reproduced courtesy of United Art & Education where you can find artsy craft ideas and materials.

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