Key Hook for Dad

Kids here’s a great craft to help Dad keep track of his keys with this special Handprint Key Hook For Dad.
Walnut Hollow® #27670
Medium Basswood Country Round
Alphabet Stencil
Walnut Hollow® #27670
Medium Basswood Country Round
Alphabet Stencil
Stencil Brush
Ball knob or small hook
Five different colors of paint
Foam brush
Paper towel
Spray varnish
To prepare wood for painting, use sandpaper to lightly sand wood surface. Remove dust with paper towel.
Use a small foam brush to apply a thin coat of paint to a child’s hand. Press hand onto center of round being careful not to smudge when lifting off wood. Let dry.
Position first letter of stencil on wood. Tape in place. Use a stencil brush to paint stencil opening. (To stencil, place a small amount of paint on a paper plate. Dip brush into paint. Dab off excess paint on a paper towel to prevent paint from leaking under stencil. Tap brush onto stencil until desired result is achieved.) Continue with remaining letters. Let dry.
Attach a wooden knob or small hook to bottom of round to hold keys.
Apply 2-3 coats of spray varnish for a protective finish.
FaveCrafts is owned by Prime Publishing LLC, an Internet Media Company that operates web site communities, e-mail newsletters and e-commerce stores in niche areas such as crafting, home décor, wellness, and cooking. See their craft projects at
Just don’t copy the print from the picture! Keys needs no apostrophe.
Thanks for your sharp proof readers eye. Always appreciated. The picture was supplied by the contributor so I had no control over it.