Recycled Egg Carton Flower Fairies
Give a lesson in recycling with these Recycled Egg Carton Flower Fairies. They make beautiful decorations and kids can feel good about their creative efforts to save the planet and reduce the trash going into the landfill.
Egg Cartons
Wooden Beads 1.5 centimeters
Beads 1/2 centimeter
String or Twine
Acrylic Paint
Thin Brush
Thicker Brush
Hot Glue Gun
Begin by cutting and painting the carton shapes: one for the hat, two for the rose dress, one, green, for the calyx. I prefer to colour it with watercolours because I find that this particular kind of thick paper gives beautiful shades if the colour is more liquid; if you prefer a more intense and covering result you can use acrylics.
Let the carton absorb the colour a little, but don’t wait until it is completely dry to roll the petals: wet paper will be easier to shape, and won’t break.
Roll and fix the smaller petals with hot glue, and do the same with the second row. Place the flower into the green calyx, glue and let the flower dry completely.
In the meantime paint the faces: with a small brush draw eyes and mouth on the wooden beads.
Do it so that the holes are on top and under the face: once the job is done the holes won’t be visible anymore.
Prepare the hat by drilling a hole on the top of a cone; then cut four petals out of the sides: two short ones, and two longer ones. When the colour is a little less wet, roll the petals to the top, leaving the longer petals a little more down.
Insert the twine through the hole, pass the ends through one of the smaller beads and close it with a knot.
Now that all the parts are ready, glue them together: the hat on the head (with the smaller petals over the face, like bangs), and the rose/dress under. If you like, you can make the decoration more resistant with fixative spray.
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