Handprint Campfire
Summer is the time for camping. Get the younger kids excited about the adventure with this Handprint Campfire craft. It’s a good rainy day project when .the real campfire has to wait for a sunny day
White Paper
Glue Sticks or Glue Dots
Crayons, Markers, or Colored Pencils (optional)
Decide whether you want to print the colored pattern
Lay the left hand over the fire on the campfire pattern with the fingers closed and trace around the hand. Cut out the picture including the hand.
Glue the handprint campfire on the background scene.
Note: If you are using the black and white version, it is better to color the pictures before cutting, it makes it easier.
Hang the finished picture on the refrigerator and count down the days to your camping adventure with the kids.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window
These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at MakingFriends.com. They have been created exclusively for publication on FreeKidsCrafts.com with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
Tags camping crafts
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