Captain America Snowflake Pattern
It may take a minute for people to realize that this is a Captain America Snowflake Pattern because it is so dainty and beautiful. You can make a snowflake out of almost any theme as this proves.
White Paper
Sharp Scissors
Follow the directions on the snowflake pattern to make these beautiful snowflakes.
Take you time and cut carefully making sure that you follow the directions.
When you are finished check out the rest of the Superhero patterns and maybe experiment with a design of your own.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window
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I use to love doing these as a kid! They never turned out as perfect as you example though. I will have to try again soon when my wee one is a little older 🙂
There is no law that says we have to stop making snowflakes just because we aren’t little kids any more.