F-15 Paper Airplane

We thought this F-15 Paper Airplane was a fun craft for Fathers and their children on Father’s Day. It will probably take quite a bit of help from Dad, but isn’t that what Father’s Day is all about…fun time together!
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White Paper
Click on Printables for complete illustrated directions.
This craft reprinted courtesy of AmazingPaperAirplanes.com.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

Kyong Hwa Lee holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Mexico and has been working for more than 25 years in the aerospace industries. The paper airplanes presented in his web page include old favorites as well as new designs that he recently created for his grand-children. This web page is made to share his designs world wide with other children, their parents and their teachers who enjoy paper airplanes. In his words, "I hope that "Amazing Paper Airplanes" will help you imagine soaring with the real airplanes and inspire you to make your own creative paper airplanes".
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