Alien Green Men

What could be more fun then creating these Alien Green Men. When they are done turn the kids loose to create their own plays. Kids will often say things through their puppets that they wouldn’t say for themselves.
1 STYROFOAM Brand Foam Egg 2-1/2", two; 3-1/16"
Bright green paints: acrylic; glitter dimensional
Green felt, various shades, one to two sheets each
Bright green yarn
Pom poms: 1/4" green, six; 1/8" green, 12; 1/4" neon pink, three; 1/8" neon pink, six
Green chenille stems, plain and tinsel, four to six
Glow-in-the-dark wiggly eyes, round or oval, 8mm t
Serrated knife
Candle stub or paraffin
Fine-line black permanent marker
Wooden skewers, three
Stiff bristled paintbrush
Disposable palette
Water basin
Paper towels
Thick, white craft glue
(Note: Instructions are general guidelines only. The best guide is your imagination!)
1. Wax serrated knife with candle stub or paraffin. Cut small slice from wide end of egg so it sits flat.
2. Insert skewers into foam eggs. Holding skewer, paint eggs green. Place skewers in heavy glass or jar; let dry.
3. Using photo as guide, cut chenille stems to desired lengths for legs, antennae, and arms. Apply glue to stem ends and push directly into foam.
4. Cut feet and hands from desired shades of felt. Cut two long felt strips for small sitting alien's legs. Glue felt pieces to bottom of body or ends of chenille stems as desired.
5. Cut mouths, eyebrows and/or eyelashes, ears, and antennae ends from light green felt; glue to foam or chenille stem ends. If desired, faces may also be embellished with green dimensional paint; let paint dry completely.
6. Use skewer tip to press short lengths of yarn "hair" into foam (see center alien).
7. Glue wiggly eyes, pink pom pom noses and cheeks, and green pom pom toes to aliens.

STYROFOAM™ brand from Dow is one of the most trusted and widely known brand names in the craft industry. From Christmas ornaments to wedding topiaries, they have helped shape your crafting memories for 60 years. Today, their high-performance foams are helping you make tomorrow's memories.
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