Animal Mix-Up Activity
Animal Mix-Ups are lots of fun. Have you ever seen an “ElaphaBear”? How about a “Girphant”? It’s fun to create your own unique animal species and give them special names. This activity encourages young children to work on their cutting skills and call it fun. Learning doesn’t have to be hard.
The list of indigenous United States animals is long and includes well known creatures like coyotes and raccoons, and lesser known animals like the glass lizard and adorable pika. The incredible 2,972 estimated animals native to the United States makes it one of only 17 megadiverse countries in the world. Source: A-Z Animals – Animals in United States
- White Paper
- Scissors
- Glue Stick
- Print out several copies of the printables below
- Let the kids select the different body parts for their special animal.
- Set them to work cutting out the parts and gluing them together to create their unique specimen.
No need to stop at one, have fun mixing them up in lots of different ways.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print
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