Baby Owl

Whooooo wouldn’t love to have this cute little Baby Owl. Great project for all the Owlie visitors to our site. This is a great project for kids from tweens to teens who want their own identity in their room.
FloraCraft® Foam Ball: 4”
Lion Brand® Yarn; Fun Fur® - Chocolate
Felt: Yellow, Tan, Brown and Orange
Buttons: ½” Black
Sequin Pins – Silver (optional)
Low-Temp Glue Gun
Design It:® Foam Cutter or Serrated Knife
Plastic Bristled Hair Brush
Use the Foam Cutter or serrated knife to cut 1/3 of the ball off one side. This will be the front of the owl. Lay the ball cut side down and cut a small section off one side of the ball. This creates a flat spot on the bottom so the owl will sit upright.
Glue one end of the yarn to the bottom of the ball. Hold the ball with the front facing you. Begin wrapping the yarn around the ball. Turn the ball clockwise as you wrap, keeping the yarn running in the same direction around the ball.
As you wrap be sure not to overlap all the yarn at the center of the ball as this will create a lump at the center. Instead, overlap the wraps of yarn randomly across the front of the ball. Continue wrapping to completely cover.
Cut two 1” circles from the tan felt and glue in place on the front of the owl for eyes. Cut two ¾” yellow felt circles and glue to the centers of the tan circles. Glue two ½” black buttons to the yellow felt circles. Optional, insert a silver sequin pin into the bottom hole of the button to add some sparkle to the eyes.
Cut a small, yellow felt triangle and glue just under the eyes for the beak.
Cut two brown felt triangles that measure about 1.5” on each side. Fold the triangles in half and glue along one edge to create two cones. Glue the glued edge of the cones to each side of the head as shown for the ears.
Use the hair brush to lightly “fluff” the Fun Fur strands free. Brush in the same direction as the wraps of yarn to avoid pulling any strands loose.
Stories you might enjoy with this craft:
Good-Night, Owl! by Pat Hutchins
Owl at Home by Arnold Lobel

FloraCraft(r), locally owned and operated in Michigan, has beenserving the craft and floral industries for 65 continuous years, providing quality STYROFOAM(tm) Brand Foam in shapes and sheets. We are dedicated to helping beginners and professionals achieve their best results, FloraCraft products are the foundation of every great project.
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