Balloon Print Very Hungry Caterpillar

Spring is here and the creepy crawly critters are coming out to explore. Help the kids create their own army of hungry caterpillars using paint and balloons.
red paint
green paint (use 2 different shades of green, or use blue like me)
blue paint (optional)
2 balloons
paper plates
sharpies or paint for the details
1. Blow up your balloons just a little bit so the bottom is a small circle. Tie them.
2. Pour some red paint on one paper plate.
3. On your other paper plate pour 2 shades of green or green and blue paint - pour them right on top of each other. Don't mix them up. This will give you a cool tie-dyed effect when you stamp them.
4. Dip the end of one of your balloons in the red paint and stamp it on the paper for your caterpillar's head.
5. Dip your other balloon in the green paint and stamp it on the paper in a caterpillar body shape.
6. When dry, either paint or draw on the details - antennae, eyes, nose, legs
This craft is reprinted courtesy of Meet the Dubiens where you will find lots of creative ideas for kid activities.

I love crafting with my kiddos, creating super fun lunches for them in the kitchen and taking pictures of them. My blog is a place for me to share all these things. I hope you enjoy!
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