Barnyard Chicks

Make a chick, chick here and a chick, chick there and pretty soon you will have a whole barnyard full of these fun chicks.
STYROFOAM* Brand Products:Egg, 3"
Balls, two 1"
Wooden dowel, 3/16" x 6-1/2"
Black beads, two small half-round
Toothpick, round
Yellow feathers, four
Craft foam, green
Acrylic craft paint: yellow, dark brown, red brown, pink
Craft knife with sharp blade
Paintbrush, firm
Wooden skewer
Thick white craft glue
Low temperature glue gun and glue sticks
Paint foam egg yellow. Cut wooden dowel in half for legs; paint legs and toothpicks red brown. Let dry
Insert legs into 1" balls; remove and then glue in place with low temperature glue.
Refer to photo and decide if chick will stand or sit; some chicks stand tall on straight legs, others have slightly splayed legs; chick in center rear of photo leans slightly forward; chick in center front sits. Insert and glue legs in egg body so chick sill stand or sit as desired. Gently press balls flat where feet meet the ground.
Using craft knife, cut two small wedges in front of each foot, forming "toes". Paint feet brown; let dry.
Cut toothpick in half; with white craft glue, insert and glue in place for beak. Two halves of beak can be arranged at various angles and varying degrees of openness for different expressions; if positioned wide apart, touch up center of mouth with dark orange paint.
Glue on black beads for eyes.
Referring to photo, determine how you would like wings positioned. Using wooden skewer, make small holes for wings, tail and topknot. Place dot of white glue in holes and insert feathers.
Using very dry brush, lightly brush tiny bit of pink paint on cheeks.
Place chick on craft foam; draw around chick to create base. Cut out base; glue chick to base.
This craft is reprinted courtesy of Dow, maker of Styrofoam Brand products.

STYROFOAM™ brand from Dow is one of the most trusted and widely known brand names in the craft industry. From Christmas ornaments to wedding topiaries, they have helped shape your crafting memories for 60 years. Today, their high-performance foams are helping you make tomorrow's memories.
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