Bead and Pipe Cleaner Bracelets

Show the kids how to make these Bead and Pipe Cleaner Bracelets using cardboard tubes as the foundation. The kids will love making these sparkly creations and proudly display their handiwork with their favorite outfits.
Trivia: Babylonians received the honor of being the first recorded culture to wear charms on bracelets, in around 700 BC altho it is suspected that in the Stone Age may have seen charms made from an animal bone, or shell, and worn on a thong to protect the wearer from Saber Tooth Tigers, or evil spirits, or just plain bad luck.
Empty Cardboard Tube
Metallic Pipe Cleaners
Gem Glue
To make these Bead and Pipe Cleaner Braccelets, cut a slit down the cardboard tube. Cut into 1” rings.
Beginning at one end on the inside wrap with pipe cleaners, covering the cardboard. Tack as you work with dabs of glue.
Glue on gemstones to decorate your bracelets.
Tip: Use clothespins to hold gems in place while they dry.

Terri is the creator of,, and Her work is republished all over the internet and is considered the queen of kids crafts.
This looks like something that my craft class at a Senior Care Center will LOVE. The ladies all wear lots of “BLING” and if they can make it and wear it, they will show it off to all their visitors and the staff.
Thanks for this idea.