Beaded Wind Chimes

Have the kids gather up beads, drinking straws and some simple craft materials to make this delightful Beaded Wind Chime. Great for working with fine motor skills.
Paper cupPipe cleaner
Big beads
Small bells
Metal shank button or metal washer
Drinking straws
Poster paint or acrylic paint
Paint brushes
Hole punch
Safety Tips:
Young kids (3 to 8 years) should use child-safe scissors.
Small objects such as beads can be a choking hazard and should be used under adult supervision.
Trim a paper cup to a height of approximately 2 to 3 inches.
Punch 4 evenly-spaced holes around the cup's mouth.
Paint the paper cup with poster paint and make your own designs. You may even finger paint if you like. *Use acrylic paint if the surface of your paper cup is glossy or waxy.
Cut 4 equal lengths of string approximately 12 inches long. Cut a 5th string that is 2 inches longer.
Tie a small bell at the end of 4 of the strings. Set the 5th string aside for the pendulum.
Cut drinking straws into ¾ to 1-inch long pieces.
String beads and drinking straws through each of the 4 strings. Leave an allowance of 1.5 to 2 inches at the top of each string.
Attach the beaded strings around the painted paper cup by securing the top end of each string around the punched-out holes.
To make the pendulum, trim a pipe cleaner to around 6 inches and make a loop on one end.
Tie one end of the 5th string through the loop on the pipe cleaner.
Attach a metal shank button or metal washer on the other end of the string.
Punch a small hole at the center of the paper cup base.
Attach the pendulum to the wind chimes by inserting the end of the pipe cleaner through the hole at the center of the paper cup. Pull all the way through, the loop on the pipe cleaner serves as a stopper.
Check if the metal button or washer is at the same level as the bells.
Loop the pipe cleaner on top to make the wind chimes' handle.
Hang the wind chimes where it can catch a soft breeze.

A free resource for fun and educational kids' crafts, the site features a step-by-step guide for each craft project and includes printable templates, art recipes, and environment-friendly tips for crafting.
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