Bee Pencil Topper

This Bee Pencil Topper is the perfect craft to encourage the busy bee kids to get to their classwork and homework. The supplies are inexpensive and you may have them in your craft box already.
Trivia: During chillier seasons, worker bees can live for nine months. But in the summer, they rarely last longer than six weeks.
Black Pipe Cleaner
Yellow Pipe Cleaner
Tacky Glue or Hot Glue
Wiggle Eyes
Step 1: Cut 3" off the black pipe cleaner. Set aside the longer piece. Fold the 3" piece in half and curl ends to make antennas.
Step 2: Wrap the longer black piece around the antennas to make the head.
Step 3: From the yellow pipe cleaner, form a double set of loops to make the wings
Step 4: Lay the wings under the black head
Step 5: Continue wrapping alternating the yellow and black to make the striped body. Trim black pipe cleaner. Glue on wiggle eyes. Wrap the rest of the yellow pipe cleaner around the pencil.

These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at They have been created exclusively for publication on with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
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