Bug Party Hats

Help the children follow the steps below to create their own bug hat. Or, simply tie the headbands on your little lovebug guests as they arrive.
Craft Glue Dots
1" Glue Lines
Wiggle Eyes
Black or red chenille stems
Yarn or string
Hole punch
12”x18”Red craft foam sheets
Black “sticky-backed” craft foam
Small red craft foam hearts
Black dot stickers
Back Marker
Cut a strip of craft foam for each child.
Make a hole on both ends of the strip.
Trace a circle on the back of the black sticky foam. (A frosting container lid is the perfect size.)
Cut the circle in half.
Attach a half circle in the center of the headband at the bottom edge.
Use Craft Glue Dots to attach the wiggle eyes.
Cut a small piece of yarn and use 1" Glue Lines to adhere it as a smile.
Color the ladybug dots on the red part of the headband or use black dot stickers.
Make two holes right above the ladybug head and insert the chenille stem and twist to secure.'
Coil the chenille stem antennae around a pencil to curl.
Attach heart stickers or pom-poms to the tips if you wish. The antennae will flop forward but when the ladybug headband is worn, they will stand straight.
Loop the yarn through the hole to make ties.
Enjoy making these super-cute party hats for your child's next party!
This craft is reprinted courtesy of Glue Dots.

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awesome craft for my preschool group. Thanks a lot!