Butterfly Polka Dots

This happy little butterfly will brighten a young girls room and make it smell good too.
Renuzit® LongLast® Adjustable Air Freshener*30 small Circles (3/8")
Acrylic paint: Bright Yellow, Bright Orange, Bright Green, Royal Fuchsia
Multi-purpose sealer* (optional)
2 1/2" diameter hard-pressed foam ball
Fun foam sheet: 5" x 6 1/2" piece of lime
Paper edgers: Scallop
Dimensional fabric paint: Berry Red
Wire: 8" length, 22 gauge, Fuchsia
Wiggle eyes: Two, 12mm
1/2" pompoms: 2 lime green; 1 fuchsia
Craft glue
Glue gun & glue sticks
Serrated knife
Fine sandpaper
Tracing paper
Sraft snip
Needle-nose pliers
Permanent fine tip black marker
Heavy-weight plastic bag
Con-Tact® paper
PREPARE SURFACE: Use serrated knife to cut a 1" diameter slice off the bottom of foam ball. Lightly sand seam of foam ball to make smooth. Use glue gun to glue cut edge of ball to top of Renuzit® topper. For best paint adhesion, cover Renuzit® topper, base and foam ball with Multi-Purpose Sealer, or lightly sand topper and base to rough surfaces. Let dry.
PAINT BODY AND HEAD: Paint Renuzit® and foam ball Bright Yellow. Let dry.
PAINT WOODSIESTM: (Optional, for ease in painting WoodsiesTM, use stapler to attach Con-Tact® paper, sticky-side-up, to cardboard. Remove the release paper and position all WoodsiesTM Circles onto the adhesive side of Con-Tact® paper with approximately 1/4" between each piece.) Paint one side and edges as follows and let dry.
10 Bright Yellow, 8 Bright Orange, 6 Bright Green, 6 Royal Fuchsia
PAINT MOUTH: Place plastic bag over mouth pattern and trace using Berry Red dimensional paint. Let dry.
MAKE WING UNIT: Click on Printables and print out the pattern. Trace pattern for wing unit onto fun foam. Use Scallop paper edger to cut around pattern. Referring to photo, hot glue center of wing unit to back of topper. Position and glue orange and yellow dots to wings.
FACIAL FEATURES: Carefully remove mouth from plastic bag. Refer to photo for placement and use craft glue to glue mouth to face. Glue fuchsia pompom nose and eyes to face. Use black marker to draw eyebrows above eyes.
ASSEMBLE ANTENNA: Cut two 4" lengths of wire. Coil one 4" length around small end of paintbrush handle leaving a 1/2" tail on each end. Use needle-nose pliers to turn a loop in one end of wire. Hot glue one lime green pompom to looped end of wire. Repeat for other antenna. Press straight ends of each antenna into top of head and glue in place.
EMBELLISH BODY: Refer to photo and glue fuchsia and green Circles to front of Renuzit®.
This craft is reprinted courtesy of Renuzit.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window
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