Cardboard Tube Bird Feeders

Cold weather is the time for us to take better care of our feathered friends with things like these Cardboard Tube Bird Feeders. They are inexpensive and easy to make so have the kids make a lot of them and watch the birds flock to your yard.
It is believed that a monk who lived in the sixth century was one of the earliest known people to feed the birds. Source: Cole’s –Four Fun Facts About The History Of Bird Feeding
- Cardboard Tubes
- Suet, Almond Butter, Sunflower Seed Butter or other edible material
- Slather the Almond Butter or other material on the cardboard tubes.
- Roll the tube in the birdseed.
- Slip on the shrubs or tree branches and watch the birds flock to your yard.

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Very cool, but I bet they will bring a LOT of squirrels too… 😉