Cardboard Tube Kazoo

Show the kids how to make a Cardboard Tube Kazoo from a cardboard tube and have the kids form their own band with their kazoos and some of the other musical instruments shown below.
Empty TP tube or Paper Towel Tube Cut in Half
Black Paint and Foam Brush
Music Notes
Tacky Glue
Wax Paper
Rubber Band
Paint cardboard tube. Let dry.
Decorate with music notes or a design of your choosing.
Cut a 6" circle from wax paper. Rubber band the wax paper securely over one end.
To use your kazoo, make lound tooting sounds into the open end.
Sound waves will vibrate the wax paper on your kazoo and make musical sounds.

These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at They have been created exclusively for publication on with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
I am the activities director for a cub scout pack. This site is awesome! I have found all kinds of crafts for them!! Thank you!