Cat Pocket Pal

You’ll be the Cat’s Meow with this sweet little Cat Pocket Pal that is so easy to make. It can also be used as a puppet.
Aleene's® Quick Dry Tacky Glue™
Black and pink craft foam
Yarn or purple pom pom
1/8" pink pom poms (2)
Craft sticks
Wood pieces, assorted sizes and shapes
1/4" grey pom poms (2)
1/4" flat brush
Acrylic paint, Medium Grey
Paper punch: 1/8”
Glue wood pieces together. Glue the tip of craft stick to back of the figure, making sure there is space enough to insert into a pocket. Let dry.
Using ¼” brush, paint with grey acrylic paint colors. Let dry.
Glue all trims into place:
Nose: (2) ¼” grey pom poms
Cheeks: (2) 1/8" pink pom poms
Inner ear: Pink craft foam
Paws and eyes: 1/8” black circles of craft foam
Tip of nose: black craft foam
Bow: Ribbon
Yarn Ball: Yarn or purple pom pom

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