Coffee Filter Fall Leaves
These easy, fun Coffee Filter Fall Leaves will put big smiles on the kids faces as they watch the color spread and mix. The finished project makes a beautiful decoration for windows or sliding glass doors.
Trivia: Leaves require sunlight, water, chlorophyll and carbon dioxide to make food for themselves.
Shallow Dish
White Coffee Filters
Eye Dropper
Food Coloring
Saran Wrap
Glue Dots or Double Stick Tape
Liquid Starch (optional)
Print out leaf patterns then cut out laying them over 2 or 3 coffee filters at a time.
Spread newspaper to protect your surface.
Separate and place coffee filter leaves in shallow dish.
Dilute food coloring with water and drop with an eye dropper onto the coffee filter and watch it spread and mix. Fall colors are traditionally red, orange, and yellow with a little touch of green here and there.
Let the leaves dry on a piece of saran wrap.
You may want to brush them with liquid starch to stiffen them so they will hold up longer.
When dry tape them to your windows with glue dots or double stick tape for beautiful fall decorations.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window
These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at They have been created exclusively for publication on with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
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