Cool Cow Mask
Let kids imagine life down on the farm as they craft a cool cow mask! Mooooooooooooooooo! The little kids will have fun practicing their cutting skills while they create something they can play with afterward.
Trivia: Some black and white cows are called Holsteins and are known as good dairy cattle. They originated in Europe in an area now known as the Netherlands.
White heavyweight paper
Black markers or crayons
Craft Sticks
To begin to make this Cool Cow Mask, take several craft sticks and tape them together end to end to create a longer craft stick. This will be the holder for your mask.
Next click on Printables and print out the pattern or your own imagination, cut out a large cow face and two cow ears.
Cut the cow face and the cow ears out of your white construction paper.Next attach the cow ears on either side of the cow face with tape or glue. Use the picture as a guide.
Next tape or glue the craft stick mask holder to the cow up the backside center of the mask. Be sure leave enough of the craft stick holder stick out at the bottom to hold onto.
Now cut out two large eyes from the mask using your scissors. You will be able to peer through the mask through the eye holes.
Next cut out large black spots and squiggly shapes from the black construction paper.
Decorate your cow face further with crayons and wear it with style!Enjoy Crafting!
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window
This site contains suggested reading material and crafts to help young readers relate to the stories.
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