Craft Foam Jewelry

Don’t throw away those scraps of craft foam. Let the kids turn them into fun and funky jewelry.
Craft foam scraps large enough to be cut into strips 1 ½ to 2 inches long and ½ inch wide at the widest point
1 larger scrap for the (optional) pendant
Tacky glue
Paper clips
Soft monofilament jewelry or fishing line
Black rubber jewelry tubing
If you are doing the pendant, 1 large jump ring and two pair of needle nose pliers
Cut strips 1 ½ to 2 inches long and up to ½ inch wide.
Isosceles triangles and trapezoids work well but curved edges are fine too.
Spread tacky glue on the narrow half of one side. Roll from the wide end to the narrow. Use a paper clip to hold the end tight while the glue dries. Don’t worry that this flattens the beads; they puff right up when the clips are released.
Pendant Directions
Lay out a design with some scraps that coordinate with the colors of your beads. Glue together.
Poke a large jump ring through the top of the pendant and close it using two pair of needle nose pliers.
Necklace Directions
Lay out your bead design. If using rubber tubing for spacers, cut the lengths and lay them out as well.
Be sure to make the necklace long enough to go over the head, since it doesn’t have a clasp. String the beads, spacers, (optional pendant on a jump ring) and long piece of tubing on the monofilament.
If you use rubber tubing spacers alongside the pendant as I did, knot the monofilament around the jump ring as you string to keep the pendant from sliding all over.
Once the necklace is assembled, tie a double knot; tuck the ends inside one of the beads and trim.
If any of the pieces easily slip out of place because the bead holes are too large, add a dab of tacky glue to secure them.

After spending years as first a teacher and then as a VP of Finance for a major corporation, I took early retirement to devote time to my true passion, crafting. I own a small craft store, do custom orders and run The Artful Crafter website.
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