Cupcake Liner Owl

Owls are a favorite theme for crafters. So we found this Cupcake Liner Owl to add to your collection.
Paper roll
3 paper cupcake liners
Giant wiiggle eyes
Orange construction paper
Create owl ears by folding the ends of the paper roll toward the center. Paper rolls can be stubborn -- if you need it, use tape to keep the ears in place.
Use scissors to cut two paper cupcake liners in half.
Next, cut out the flat bottom part out of the liners, keeping only the ruffled parts. These four pieces will be the owl's body.
Cut another paper liner in thirds.
Discard one of the cut pieces.
Remove the flat bottom part from the remaining two pieces, keeping only the ruffled parts again. These two pieces will be the owl's wings.
Use glue to stack and attach the four pieces of the owl's body to the paper roll.
Glue each wing to the side of the owl'd body.
Glue on the giant wiggle eyes above the cupcake liner body. (Note: If you can't get your hands on any giant wiggly eyes, just use a permanent marker to draw big black dots on circles of white construction paper).
For the finishing touch, cut a small triangle from the orange construction paper.
Glue this orange beak on the owl's face. This owl is ready to fly away -- to your child's desk or the desk of his closest friends!
This craft was designed by Ellen Dean and is reprinted courtesy of

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