Cut Paper Spider Web

This Cut Paper Spider Web is based on the fold and cut method used to make snowflakes. You can make one spider web or a whole series for your bulletin boards.
White string or thread
This spider web is made the same way the folded snowflakes are with the triangle shaped fold.
Start out with a rectangular piece of paper such as regular A4 or Letter size copy paper or go with larger paper sizes (e.g. newspaper, butcher paper, etc.) for a bigger spider web. Avoid using card stock or thick paper since these will be difficult to cut. I opted for a sheet of wax paper for a delicate, easy-to-cut, and slightly transluscent spider web.
Bring the paper's top right corner down to meet the opposite edge, forming a triangle.
Cut the excess length of paper below the triangle.
Fold the triangle in half by bringing the bottom right corner up to meet the top left corner.
Fold the resulting triangle again in half by bringing the bottom corner up to meet the top corner.
Bring the triangle's bottom side to meet the opposite side.
Trim off the excess paper above the triangle's shortest side.
Draw an arc connecting the top corners of the triangle. Cut along the arc.
Draw curved rectangles along one straight edge of the paper. Each section should be wide enough to almost touch the opposite edge.
Carefully cut out the sections.
Gently unfold the paper to reveal your spider web.
A spider web wouldn't be complete without a spider! Draw and cut one or buy one from your party store.
Use your spider web as a terrific Halloween decoration. Tie a length of white thread or thin string around each corner or point of the web. Mount the spider web by tying or taping the strings onto walls and other objects.
Position the spider on the web by lodging its legs in between the sections of the web. You can glue the spider in place if you like.
For younger kids, gluing the web onto background paper is a great option. Have them draw a spider and some little bugs to glue onto the web.

A free resource for fun and educational kids' crafts, the site features a step-by-step guide for each craft project and includes printable templates, art recipes, and environment-friendly tips for crafting.
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