Easter Bunny Mirror

This adorable Bunny will put a smile on the face the the creator and the recipient. Just look in the mirror and everyone is transformed into our favorite Easter candy distributor with this craft.
Plastic mirror ( you may need to adjust size of pattern pieces slightly to fit)Foam: white, 2 shades of pink
Google eyes
Black thread for whiskers
1 pom pom for nose
2 pom poms for cheeks
Black marker
Glue face onto ears, making sure ears lay on top along sides of face. Glue to back of mirror.
Take length of thread and fold several times. Tie knot in middle and glue where nose will be, right above mirror.
Glue nose on top of thread (see photo for placement).
Glue cheeks on each side of nose along top of mirror.
Glue on eyes, paws and inside of ears.
Draw any features with black marker
Hoppy Easter.
This craft was designed by our favorite travelling grandmother Mary Ruthven.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

Mary is one half of a creative team for a site called Crafting Tales. Here you will find craft projects and patterns galore with a large section for Kid’s crafts. They also have contests, gift shops and much more. Visit them at www.craftingtales.com
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