Easy Eyeglass Holder Craft

Easy DiY eyeglass holder project made with tin can and fuzzy sock.

This Easy Eyeglass Holder Project is a craft that kids of all ages can make and donate to assisted living and nursing home residents as well as to veterans’ homes. The cute eyeglass holder, with its wide mouth, is a perfect receptacle in which senior citizens can store their glasses with ease . Those of us who wear glasses know that unless they are on your nose they have a way of hiding from sight and the seniors love getting gifts especially when they come from young people with smiles on their faces. Be sure to check with the facility to be sure that whatever you are making is acceptable to them. They all have a list of items that they feel are not suitable for their residents. And don’t forget Mom and Grandma; we lose our glasses too.


Did you know that Benjamin Franklin did not invent eyeglasses? He invented bifocals, but eyeglasses were believed to be invented around the year 1000 by an Arabian known as  Alhazen. Source: Frames Direct – Who Invented Glasses.

  • Clean Tin Can (paper removed from outside)
  • Dollar Store Fuzzy Sock
  • Decorative Paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • String
  • Tag (see below)
  • Hole Punch
  1. Take a wide mouth tin can (see picture) and clean and dry it thoroughly.
  2. Remove paper from outside.
  3. Cover with decorative paper and tape together. Trim to fit.
  4. Stuff sock inside and pull top of sock up over top of can and pull down to form a collar. See picture for reference
  5. Print and cut out tag below
  6. Punch hole in tag and tie around can with string. See picture

It’s an easy and fun way for children to reach out to older citizens and show them they are not forgotten.

Patterns, Templates and Printables

Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print in the correct size




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