Easy Valentine Gift Bag Craft

A Valentine present becomes even more special when you present it in this Easy Valentine Gift Bag that you sew yourself. This is a great beginning sewing project for kids that can be reused many times. Try making one for Mother’s Day; it doesn’t have to be red.
Valentine’s Day was once celebrated by giving Valentine Cards and has gradually evolved to include candy, flowers and even more expensive gifts.
- 6″ x 16″ Piece of Fabric
- Scissors
- 20″ of Satin Cord or Ribbon
- Serge or overlock stitch the raw edges of your fabric. If you don’t have an overlock stitch, you can sew a zig-zag stitch along your raw edges.
- Fold the fabric in half… right sides together… wrong sides facing out… aligning the raw side edges and the raw top edges. The folded edge will be the bottom of your bag. Press and pin if necessary.
- On one side, sew all the way up the side edges with a 1/4″ seam. Be sure to back stitch in the beginning and end of the stitching to lock the stitch.
- Measure down the other raw side edge 3/4″ and mark with a pin. Sew a 1/4″ to sew the other side seam… but this time stop at the pin mark. Be sure to back stitch in the beginning and end of the stitching to lock the stitch. Fold down the top raw edge a 1/4″ and press.
- Fold down the top edge again 1/2″ and press. The folded edge created should align with the pin marking. Starting at the mark, stitch around the bag close to the folded edge. This will create the pocket for your drawstring.
- Turn the bag right side out and press well. Slide your drawstring through the pocket. You may want to use some wire and a safety pin to help pull the cord through the pocket. Pull the drawstring to gather the opening closed and tie.
Once you have the basics down, the possibilities are endless. You can sew sequins and beads to the fabric. So fringe around the top edge. Glue a glittery snowflake… hand stitch a design, cut out fabric in shapes and press them to the bag with web adhesive. Create the fabric with a crazy quilt technique or a simple patchwork style. Use fancy fabrics like silk, velvet or lace.
A drawstring bag is super easy to make. It’s easy to adjust the size to make bags of all sizes. The fun is making the design your own. Spend the time in the details and you’ll be sewing drawstring bags all the time.
And most importantly… have fun!

Terri is the creator of makingfriends.com, freekidscrafts.com, scoutswaps.com and badginabag.com. Her work is republished all over the internet and is considered the queen of kids crafts.
Tags valentine crafts for teensvalentine gifts for kids to makevalentine sewing projects
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