Egg Carton Owl

Whooo wouldn’t love to make this delightful Egg Carton Owl! Let kids make a whole family of these owl crafts to decorate the party buffet. Did you know that a gathering of owls is called a parliament?
Trivia: A Great Horned Owl weighs about 3 ½ – 4 pounds. Its two eyes together weigh about 25.7 grams (almost an ounce), more than the eyes of a 200-pound human.
Empty paper egg container (use a 2 cup section for the eyes, and two single cups for feet)
Brown paper lunch bag
Construction paper
Elmer’s Squeeze ‘n Brush
Elmer’s Glue-All
Wiggle eyes
Design and paint owl’s body on the brown paper bag.
Cut ears and wings from construction paper and glue to the owl’s body
Attach egg carton eyes and feet using Elmer’s Glue-All.
Use black marker to color in beak and feet.
Glue in wiggle eyes and watch Hooty come alive.
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