Family Sticks Together Magnets

These fun family magnets will be fun to hang on the refrigerator with notes and special art projects. You’ll have so much fun making one for every family member; you’ll wish you had a bigger family!
Tulip® Fabric Markers™
Tulip® Fashion Glitter™
Aleene\'s® Magnetic Tacky Dots™
Aleene\'s® Original Tacky Glue™
Tulip Soft® Fabric Paint Petal Pink
Tulip® Glam-It-Up!™ Iron-On Crystals™
Tulip® Fashion Glitter Bond™
Ribbon of choice
Plastic circle template
Light blue colored pencil
Rolling pin
Plastic bag – gallon size
Cornstarch – 1- 2 cups
Floral cookie cutter of choice, approximately 2 1/2” diameter (If larger, increase recipe)
Measuring cups
1. Measure 1/2 cup of Tacky Glue and scoop into gallon plastic bag. Add one cup cornstarch into bag. Seal and begin combining ingredients into a ball by manipulating with fingers. Once the mixture is combined, remove and knead until dough is smooth and pliable.
2. Add a drop or two of Petal Pink paint into the dough and knead until dough has turned into a soft flesh color.
3. Roll out dough to approximately 1/4” thick and cut out shapes with cookie cutter.
4. Using circle template, select the 1 1/4” circle and place in center of cookie cut out. Press gently along the circle edges of template to create a raised circle in center of shape.
5. Let dry until hard (about 24 hours).
6. Using light blue pencil lightly make dots for eyes and draw in nose and mouth. Go over features using Tulip® Fabric Markers. Draw in hair. Have fun drawing portraits of family members.
7. Add a spot of glue on the dot for eyes. Place crystal on top. HINT: For ease in picking up crystal, gently press tip of crayon on crystal and place on dot for eyes.
8. Brush Glitter Bond to petal portion of flower. Generously sprinkle desired color of glitter on glue. Gently press and let dry. Shake and brush off excess glitter.
9. Cut a piece of ribbon approximately 6” long. Loop over center area and glue to back of dough.
10. Affix Aleene\'s® Magnetic Tacky Dot to center of back.
11. Using Tulip® Fabric Marker, write name on ribbon.
This craft is reprinted courtesy of

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