Felt Fishing Game

Too cold to play outside? Here is a fun craft to make and learn your numbers as you play.
8.5x11 Felt sheets in a variety of colors
Round Magnets approx 3/8 Inch Diameter (15)
Fish template
Round Dowels
Wiggly Eyes
Small amount of twine or string
Hot glue gun
1. Click on printables and use the template to cut out your fish shapes from the felt. Be sure to cut out two body pieces. Make a heart mouth for the fish and free hand numbers.
2. Hot glue the fins to the inside of the body portion and the number and tail fin to the top piece.
3. Hot glue the top body and bottom body together. Be sure to put a magnet in the middle.
4. Attach one end of string to dowel and tie the other end to a magnet.
5. Use a blue piece of felt or washcloth as your pond and go fishing!
This craft is reprinted courtesy of Repeat Crafter Me where you will find many fun crafts and activities.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

Sarah is a stay-at-home mom to her 1 and 3-year-old boys. She is also an artist and graphic designer that loves crafting with her kids, taking on DIY projects, crocheting and attempting to cook with the help of her Crock Pot.
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