Felt Flower Bouquet
Make this beautiful Felt Flower Bouquet for any special occasion like Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, birthdays and some many more. Everybody will love them.
Pink Felt Paper
Hot Pink Felt Paper
Green Felt Paper
Blue Felt Paper
0.5mm Strip Ribbon
Glue Gun
Cotton Thread
Wooden Dowels
1st, tailor a piece of pink felt paper (12x5cm), thread the pink cotton string through the needle and get ready;
2nd, sew the pink felt paper from the bottom on the right as shown, along to the other bottom on the left;
3rd, tighten up the cotton thread after inserting a wood stick in the bud of the flower as pictured;
4th, tie and fix the flower on the wooden stick, then trim off the extra thread;
5th, tailor a piece of green felt paper into a certain shape as pictured, then wrap around the stick and glue it to the bottom of the flower to make it the leaf.
Step 2: Finish the felt flower bouquet
1st, repeat the procedures in step 1 to make enough felt flowers;
2nd, prepare a large piece of green felt paper (30 x 30 cm) and a piece of blue felt paper (20 x 20 cm), then bundle up the flower bouquet with the blue felt paper wrapped around;
3rd, cover the bottom of the wooden stick with the smaller piece of green felt paper as shown;
4th, tie up the flower bouquet with a piece of red strip ribbon.
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