Flying Pigs Easter Eggs

Have you ever seen such cute Flying Pigs Easter Eggs? These were made by my friend Vivian who makes a blown Easter Egg for each of her grandchildren every year. She then brings them out every Easter and hangs them from her dining room chandelier where the kids look excitedly for the ones with their name.
These are very delicate and a project for careful teens or adults to make but kids of all ages love them.
Blown Eggs
Pink Spray Paint
Wiggle Eyes
Pink Felt
3/8" Head Plugs
Black Sharpie Permanent Marker
Hot Glue Gun
Long Hat Pin
Small Red Rose
Pink Pipe Cleaners
Bracelet spacer
Start by piercing the two ends of uncooked eggs with a long hat pin. See the picture if this is unfamiliar to you. Then blow into one end of the egg until all of the egg white and yolk drains out the other end into a bowl. You can also suck the egg out and according to Vivian this is much faster.
Wash your egg thoroughly and let dry.
Paint egg and let dry by poking one end of the toothpick into an egg carton and inserting the other end of the toothpick into one of the holes in the egg.. (see picture)
Using the picture as a reference, paint 4 head plugs (found in your local hardware store) pink for legs and draw on hooves with black marker. Paint one head plug pink for snout and draw on nostrils with black marker.
Glue legs and snout to pig body.
Print out pattern for wings and ears and cut out of pink felt.
Pinch bottom edge of triangle to form ears and glue to pig. (See picture)
Using the picture as a reference pinch wings as indicated on the pattern and glue to pig.
Glue flower behind pig's ear.
Curl a small length of pipe cleaner and curl then glue on for pig's tail.
Glue bracelet spacer to top of pig covering the hole. This acts as a support for your clear thread if you want to hang your pig or you can use a light weight yarn as Vivian did. Click on the chandelier picture below for a better look at her collection.
Editor's Note: If you plan on saving these from year to year, wrap individual eggs carefully in tissue paper and pack in a sturdy box so they don't break.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at They have been created exclusively for publication on with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
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