Gingerbread Daisy Friendship Circle Ornament

Heather Goeke, Girl Scout Daisy Leader of Troop 40975 in Cincinnati, Ohio, submitted this adorable Gingerbread Daisy Friendship Circle Ornament, made by her troop, to our craft contest. Here is what she said: “Our kindergarten Girl Scout Daisy troop made Gingerbread Daisy Friendship Circle ornaments. These ornaments were inspired by the infamous Girl Scout song “Make new Friends” and the friendship circle where we sing it each meeting”.
Trivia: Daisies are, of course, named for Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of Girl Scouting. “Daisy” was Juliette’s childhood nickname. But when the new program was tested by over 70 councils across the United States, the proposed name was “Pixies.” Source: – Girl Scout History Project
- Foam Gingerbread Men (I bought mine at Michael’s enough for each girl to have 3*
- one 12 x 18 blue foam sheet
- Markers for decorating
- Foam self adhesive flower stickers
- Foam self adhesive eye, mouth and icing stickers (included in the Michael’s gingerbread man craft kit)
- Ornament string (1 for each gingerbread Daisy. Also included in the gingerbread man craft kit)
- Small Fishing Swivels (1 per finished ornament. The larger the swivel the easier to get all three strings through the hole)
- Hot glue gun with glue
*Editor’s Note: Since this is a seasonal product you might use the Playtime Paper Doll bodies to achieve a similar effect.
- Each girl started with 3 foam gingerbread Daisies.
- I made the Daisy dresses by cutting a 12×18 foam sheet into small flat top triangles just big enough to cover the gingerbread from neck to legs and arm to arm.
- I attached the dress for them because I used hot glue for the fastest drying time and sturdiest hold.
- The girls used foam stickers and markers for the eyes, mouths, Daisy petal flowers and cookie icing.
- Next they kept 1 of their own gingerbread Daisies and traded the other 2 with 2 other girls.
- Once they had 3 gingerbread Daisies again an adult glued the hands together, with hot glue, making them look like they are holding hands and forming the friendship circle.
- We tied an ornament string to the top of each gingerbread Daisy’s head and tied one fishing swivel at the end of the three strings so the ornament twirls when it’s hanging on the tree.
- The girls had a lot of fun making and trading their friendship gingerbread ornaments!
Free Kids Crafts Contest Winner
IT’S A WINNER! Take a look at what one of our talented viewers submitted to share with you. This craft was selected as one of this month’s winners to received $50 in craft supplies. Click here to find out how you can enter your original creation for our judges consideration.

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