Helping Hands Garland

Everyone wants to be on Santa’s “nice” list. Line the kids up and make a garland of their hands listing all the good deeds they have performed around the house.
Tulip® Fabric Markers™
Tulip® Fashion Glitter™
Aleene's® Original Tacky Glue™
Tulip® Fashion Glitter Bond™
Foam plate
Google eyes
Foam snowflakes or embellishment(s) of choice
Pencil with new eraser on end
Ribbon – width and color of choice
Hole punch
Cardstock – various colors of choice
1. Position hand on cardstock. Trace outline of hand with pencil. Cut out to create hand pattern. Place cutout pattern on sheet of cardstock and trace around with pencil. You should have 3 handprints on each sheet. Cut out. Continue until you have as many hand cutouts as desired.
2. Punch hole at bottom of palm area to accommodate ribbon for hanging.
3. Use Tacky Glue to adhere google eyes and snowflake or desired embellishment on hand as desired leaving room to write name.
4. Write name and other accents on decorated hand using markers.
5. Squeeze some Glitter Bond on foam plate and tap end of pencil eraser into glue.
6. Stamp onto hands to create dots on hand or fingernails as desired.
7. While wet, sprinkle glitter of choice on dots. Let dry and shake off excess glitter.
8. String ribbon through holes to create a garland.
This project is reprinted courtesy of ILoveToCreate.

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