Home and Family Portrait
In a pinch, you could make this delightful home-and-family portrait with construction paper, but the Fun Foam adds an extra dimension. Give grandparents the place of honor on the second floor and let children fill the garden. Extra flowers can be for cousins or, perhaps, even a new delivery.
Assorted family photosFour each 12" x 18" red, purple, blue and yellow Fun Foam sheets
Tacky glue
17" square of foamcore board
2 yds each striped ribbon and green rickrack
Puffy paints: pink, green, orange and clear
Package of precut felt animals and shapes
White buttons, large red sequins, small colored and floral beads, pompoms
Trim photos for windows to 1 3/8" squares; glue to 1 ¾" squares of yellow Fun Foam. Trim baby photos to 1 ¼" rounds.
Cut house (8 ½" x 11"), roof (11" x 3"), door (2" x 3 ¾"), chimney (1 ¼" x 2 ¼"), doghouse (2" x 3"), red triangle (2 ½" at base), 2 strips for doghouse roof and a round yellow sun from Fun Foam, matching colors as shown.
Glue house to board 2 ½" above base and 2" from right edge, then glue on everything else. Use puff paint to make sun rays dotted picture frames and stalks for bead flowers.
This craft is reprinted courtesy of WomensDay.com.
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