Homework Sign

This Homework Sign on the door lets friends know that homework is in progress. The flip side let’s you know that playtime is in session.
Trivia: Homework is important because it allows your child to review and practice what has been covered in class.
Shirt shaped paper mache sign*
Liquitex Basics Gesso
Black craft pen
Medium flat brush
Large scruffy paint brush
Acrylic sealer spray, matte
Acrylic paint:red, yellow and white
Paint the entire sign with one coat of Gesso. If you don't have Gesso, you can find it in the art department of any craft supply or hobby store. Alternatively, you can use a coat of white acrylic paint. Allow to dry completely.
Paint entire sign with yellow acrylic paint. Let dry and repeat with a second coat.
The stripes do not require a pattern, uneven lines add to the character of this project. After yellow paint has dried, use a medium flat brush to paint on wide red stripes, starting at the bottom of the shirt and working your way upward. Paint a red collar band and sleeve bands on as well. Repeat on the other side. Let dry completely.
Before this step, be certain that the red paint is completely dry or the white will turn pink. Use a large scruffy brush to dab on a white oval in the center of the shirt. Let dry and repeat. Let second coat dry completely.
Use a black craft pen to write "outside playing" on one side and "doing homework" on the other side. Spray both side with acrylic sealer spray and let dry overnight. Hang!
To use: Simply hang on your child's door, or on your front door. Have your child flip the sign to the appropriate side when needed.

Amanda Formaro is the crafty, entrepreneurial mother of four children. She loves to bake, cook and make crafts. She is the craft expert for FamilyCorner.com and Kaboose.com. You can see her crafty creations on http://craftsbyamanda.com" Amanda's Crafts by Amanda and her delicious recipes on http://www.amandascookin.com/ Amanda's Cookin'.
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