Kissing Handprint Valentine Fish

Kids young and old will have fun making and receiving these Kissing Handprint Valentine Fish. The kids can decorate them with any pattern that makes them smile and feel good about their craft.
Trivia: The most distinctive feature of the fish known as the kissing gourami is its mouth. Kissing gouramis are also popular with aquarists for the fish’s peculiar “kissing” behavior of other fish, plants, and other objects. Kissers of both sexes will often spar by meeting mouths and pushing each other through the water.
Paper, white or light colored
Paint, Pink or red is good for Valentine's Day
Marker, Black
Paint, for thumbprint hearts
Paper Plates
Cover your work surface with newspaper to protect it.
Put a small amount of paint in a paper plate and put child's hand's in paint and then on paper. Use the picture as a reference to make sure the fish will be kissing each other. Let dry.
Wash hand and place thumb in other plate of paint to make thumbprint hearts. Use picture as a reference to see how the thumbs should be placed. Let dry.
When your fish and hearts are dry, take a fine point black marker to draw designs on the fish. Mom or older children can help with this if the child doesn't have any ideas.
Write a message of love and give it to a special relative or friend.

Amanda (a.k.a. Artsy_momma) of Handprint & Footprint Art is dedicated to teaching creativity and encouraging imagination in children. You will find craft ideas for creating handprint, footprint, and fingerprint art- everything from keepsakes to holiday art as well as just for fun crafts!
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