Make A Nest Supply Center

Spring is on its way and the birds are beginning to build their nests for the newest crop of baby birds. Show the kids how to Make A Nest Supply Center to give them scraps of cloth and material to make a comfy home for the little nestlings.
Trivia: Spring is the start of the breeding season for most of our North American birds. They pair up with mates, build nests, lay eggs, raise young, and then some of them repeat the cycle — as many as three times.
Pipe Cleaner
Scraps of cloth and yarn
To Make a Nest Supply Center for your backyard birds, open the slinky in a circle and secure the two ends with a pipe cleaner.
Fill the slinky with scraps of cloth and yarn and hang in a tree where you can watch them come for supplies to line their nests.
Refill the slinky as often as they come back for supplies and you may find that you have a yard full of beautiful song birds.

These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at They have been created exclusively for publication on with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
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