Martin Luther King Jr Coloring Page

As the kids enjoy coloring, it’s a great chance to share the story of Martin Luther King Jr. and his dream for everyone. They can take their artwork home and share what they’ve learned with their families!
In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, at a famous rally named ‘March on Washington.’ Over 250,000 people gathered in the country’s capital to hear Martin and other activists speak about the importance of civil rights. It has become one of the most famous speeches in history and focuses on Martin’s dream of a society where black people and white people live together in harmony. Source: National Geographic Kids – 10 facts about Martin Luther King
- White Paper
- Crayons, Markers or Coloring Pencils
Set the kids up in a comfortable space with their favorite medium and talk to them about Martin Luther King Jr and the future he saw for everyone.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print in the correct size by using Ctrl +p

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