Measure a Rainbow

Kids love a beautiful rainbow. This easy rainbow made with simple craft supplies is a delight to the eye and also gives young children practice in measuring.
Construction Paper in colors of the rainbow
Measure and cut the construction paper into 1” wide strips. Depending on the age of your kids, this is a great way to reinforce measuring!
Measure and cut each of the strips into the following lengths:
•red ~ 11"
•orange ~ 10”
•yellow ~ 9”
•green ~ 8”
•blue ~ 7”
•indigo ~ 6”
•violet ~ 5”
Stack all of the strips together in the “ROY G BIV” order with red on top. Align and staple the aligned end together.
Bend and align the other end and staple to form a rainbow!! And that’s it…a fun rainbow with a little bit of measuring practice as a bonus!
This craft is reprinted courtesy of Mama-Jenn

I am a Christian wife and home-schooling mama striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman! I am blessed with 5 kids, including one princess and two sets of twin boys! In my "spare" time I enjoy scrapbooking, though blogging seems to be taking its place. I currently have three main blogs. This is my family/homeschool/craft/everything blog. The Homeschool Resource List is a collection of all the free online resources that I have found for homeschoolers. The "Brown Like Me" Book Review is a collection of books featuring "brown" characters. I also write for Totally Tots, which is a blog dedicated to those with toddlers.
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