Painted High Tops
Nikki of Cape Elizabeth, Maine is our latest contest winner and has this to say “I have always been into crafts since I was very little, (I’m 14 now) and enjoy making things. I was inspired for these canvase sneakers by some painted shoes that I saw online. (they were much different than mine.) I look forward to do more crafting, and I love to share my ideas!
White High Top Canvas Sneakers
Acrylic Paints, assorted colors
Assorted Paint Brushes
1. Find an old pair or buy a pair of white (or any coloured) Converse, Levis, or any "knock-off" brands of Converse High Tops shoes. (You can easily buy them at your local department store, like Target, Walmart, and PayLess.)
2. Buy from your local craft store a couple bottles of acrylic paints. (They usually come in small bottles- and some even only cost 89 cents!) Or you could ask your parents if they have any around the house. (They are usually non-toxic, but make sure by glancing at the label on the bottle.) REMINDER: Remember that light colours may not show on darker coloured shoes, like black, dark green or bue.
TIP: I highly recommend Appel Barrel by Plaid acrylic paint, since it's usually cheap, not hard to find, and very good quality.
3. Get some different sizes of paint brushes, depending on what design you would like to paint on your shoes. (get smaller brushes for the details, and larger brushes for big areas that are going to be painted.)
4. Once you have all of your supplies, lay down a couple of sheets of newpaper on a table. (make sure that you have enough room for your paints, brushes, and a small bowl of water!) This is useful so that you don't ruin your table with paint.
5. It's fairly simple now; take one shoe and place it in front of you on the table. Then, you can start painting right on the shoe immediatly! Remember: when you would like to switch colours, dip and wash your paint brush thoroughly before using a different colour so that they do not mix.
TIP: Sometimes it helps to add a couple drops of water into the paint to thin it down. This is because sometimes the paint is too thick, making it harder to paint the shoe smoothly. It will be easier to paint when the paint in diluted,or watered down.
6. Once you have painted both shoes and are finished, set them aside to dry for at least 24 hours. If you try and wear them before they are dry, you will ruin them!
Have Fun, and Be Creative!
IT'S A WINNER! Take a look at what one of our talented viewers submitted to share with you. This craft was selected as one of this month's winners to received $50 in craft supplies. Click here to find out how you can enter your original creation for our judges consideration.
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