Paper Inchworm

Spring is here and here come the inchworms. Show the kids how to make lots of these little creatures for fun with crafts.
White and green construction paperRed marker or crayon
Hole punch
Green pipecleaner
2 googly eyes
Scotch tape
Cut a few strips of green construction paper that are 3-4 inches wide and 6 inches long.
Tape the end of one of the strips to the white piece of paper. Gently push the front edge of the strip back to create a bump and then tape the frong edge of the strip down.
Repeat this process two more times, each time overlapping the back edge of the new strip over the front edge of the old strip. This will create the body of the inchworm.
With the last strip, tape it into a ring. Punch two holes in the top of the ring and insert half of a pipe cleaner into each hole. Glue two googly eyes to the front of the ring and draw a smile on the inchworm's face.
Tape the ring so that it overlaps the final section of the body.
This project is reprinted courtesy of

All Kids Network is a network of websites dedicated to providing fun and educational activities for parents and teachers to do with their kids. We have hundreds of kids craft ideas, kids worksheets, printable kids activities and more. So far, we have two main sites - and
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