Cut and Paste Pizza Craft

Use this colorful cut and paste pizza to explain the various food groups to young minds. Everybody knows about pizza, now let them pick out the their favorite toppings and discuss how each of these foods is important for healthy bodies. We’ve also supplied a black and white version if you prefer to color your own.

If you are looking for other printable foods try the Ice Cream Cone Printable.


Pizza originated in Naples, Italy in the early 1800’s. These early pizzas consumed by Naples’ poor were made primarily with tomatoes, cheese, oil, anchovies and garlic. Source: History- Who Invented Pizza?

  • Computer
  • Printer
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick
  • Crayons or Markers (Optional)
  1. To make this cut and paste pizza start by printing out the patterns in black and white or color.
  2. If you are coloring them, color first and then cut out the pieces.
  3. Glue the pieces onto the paper pizza.
Patterns, Templates and Printables

Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print  in  the  correct  size.









2 thoughts on “Cut and Paste Pizza Craft”

  1. These simple yet fun cut and paste printables were exactly what I was looking for. I’m a speech-language pathologist, and I was looking for some “craftivities” to use as positive reinforcement for my clients while they work on their speech and language goals. Thanks a million!

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