Pilgrim Hat Snack Bowl

Make this Pilgrim Snack Hat to hold your yummy Thanksgiving snacks.
Aleene’s® Crystal Clear Tacky Spray™Black foam board
Medium-size terra cotta pot
Yellow/gold fun foam
Plastic or paper table cloth
Large black Jerzee tee
Large plate or circular object
Using the large plate or circular object, trace a large circle onto foam board. Then cut out.
Use the same circular object to trace a circle onto black tee and cut out one layer. Spray Aleene's® Crystal Clear Tacky Spray™ onto board and then position fabric over board.
Cut out a strip of fabric from the remaining black tee material that is large enough to cover the terra cotta pot. Spray the pot with Tacky Spray and then position fabric onto pot.
This craft is reprinted courtesy of ILoveToCreate.com.
Cut out a square from yellow fun foam for the hat buckle. Then cut out a square from the center to create the buckle look. Use Tacky Spray on buckle then position onto the bottom portion of the pot, aligning bottom edge of square with bottom edge of pot.
Spray the bottom of the pot with Tacky Spray and position onto the middle of the circle foam board. Let sit to fully dry.
Once dry, fill the hat with something fun!!

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