Pine Cone Angels

Take nature’s harvest and turn it into these delightful Pine Cone Angels to hang on your tree.
Pine conesAcorns
Boll from a cotton plant, or other flat, sturdy plantlife
Craft paint
Clear coat sealer
Hot glue acorn to top of pinecone.
Glue cotton boll to the back of the pine cone. If you don't live in an area where cotton is grown, make wings for your angel from heavy weight paper and glue to the back of the pine cone.
Paint on eyes, nose and mouth onto front of the acorn.
Glue a small ribbon bow to the front at the neckline and a loop of ribbon to the back of the pine cone for hanging.
This craft reprinted courtesy of The Artful Crafter.

After spending years as first a teacher and then as a VP of Finance for a major corporation, I took early retirement to devote time to my true passion, crafting. I own a small craft store, do custom orders and run The Artful Crafter website.
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