Planting Wellies

What a wonderful way to introduce young children to the joys of gardening. These Wellies (better known as boots in the USA) make delightful containers that youngsters can fill with their favorite bulbs and transport to a special spot all their own.
Wellies (Boots)
Willing Hands
I dug these out from the back of the shed, found a few leftover bulbs from the pre-school gardening club and asked the kids if they wanted to plant up some boots.
I cut extra slits at the bottom and the children added gravel to the base for drainage.
Then it was simply a case of filling up with compost and planting the tulip, daffodil and crocus bulbs at the correct depths.
This project is reprinted courtesy of Dawn Isaac of

Dawn Isaac is an award-winning garden designer and mother of three young children from Cambridgeshire, England. On her blog, Dawn charts the ups and
downs of finding gardening crafts and activities to excite her kids as well as her adventures in creating their own family garden.
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