Recycled Tin Can Robot
This quirky little robot was made from odds and ends of parts found around the house. This project is one where you start out with a tin can and get creative from there. No two will be alike.
Tin Can
Hot Glue Gun
We also used the following items:
Small coaster wheels from discarded cart
Coppr wire
White Beads
Silver Beads
Old Calculator circuit board
Metal handle from old bag
Bottle Cap
Soda Can Tab
Curtain Hook
Start with a clean tin can and a hot glue gun. Think about the features that you want on your robot and collect miscellaneous items from the house and garage. The body of our robot was the circuit board from an old calculator. The "hair" came from Dad's garage supplies.
Look at everything around the house with new eyes, not for what they are but for what they can become.
Remember that a hot glue gun should always be used by a responsible adult, but let the kids imagination run wild.
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