Rice and Beans Bracelet

This is the latest Free Kids Crafts Contest Winner by Kristing Gillespie from Chicago, Illinois. Her mother writes: "My 6 year old daughter came up with this idea while doing some arts and crafts at our kitchen table. It’s such a simple and fun idea that anyone can do it".
You too can be a contest winner. Check out the rules at Free Kids Crafts Contest.
1 Roll masking tape
1 Bag black or navy beans
Paper plate
1 pair scissors
Tempera paint (optional
School Glue
Pour a cup of beans on paper plate.
Pour half a cup of rice on another plate.
Cut tape 9inches long or to desired length and press tape (sticky side) into beans and lift up.
Next, press rice into the empty spaces that you’ll see on the bracelet. If you want more volume, put drops of glue in the empty spaces and press on the rice. \\\\\\\\
Shape into a bracelet, headband, necklace, or whatever you can imagine. Leave about ½ inch free on the ends and stick together
You can paint the jewelry your favorite color, or a specific color depending on the occasion, they make nice gifts.

IT'S A WINNER! Take a look at what one of our talented viewers submitted to share with you. This craft was selected as one of this month's winners to received $50 in craft supplies. Click here to find out how you can enter your original creation for our judges consideration.
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