Scarecrow Shirt
Recycle a plain white shirt into fun scarecrow attire or you might find that you want to wear it.
Americana AcrylicsDA128 - Deep Burgundy
DA163 - Honey Brown
DA164 - Light Buttermilk
DA194 - Marigold
Dazzling Metallics
DA122 - Green Pearl
DA148 - Emperor's Gold
Americana Fabric Painting Medium
DAS10 - Fabric Painting Medium
Brushes - 1/4" Fabric Flat Loew-Cornell; 1/4" Fabric Angular Shader Loew-Cornell; #0 Liner
Identi-Pen 441 Black
Heat Transfer Pencil
Tracing Paper
Shirt Board
Water Container
Paper Towels
Shirt - Cotton Blend
Click on Printables and print out pattern. Trace basic outline on tracing paper. On the reverse side of the tracing, re-trace lines with Heat Transfer pencil.
Place pattern on shirt and with the iron set at a temperature appropriate for the fabric, press the pattern. Without removing iron, lift edge of paper to ensure the pattern is transferring. Do not remove iron until you are sure all lines have transferred.
Trace all transferred lines with #441 Black Identi-Pen.
LEAVES: Using the 1/4" flat, basecoat all leaves with Green Pearl, Venetian Gold, Emperor's Gold, and Royal Ruby (refer to color photo). After the base is dry, use #0 liner to add veins with Black, and if you desire, you may also outline the leaves with Black.
Scarecrow: Use 1/4" flat to basecoat as follows: head with Sable brown and hat with Marigold. Use 1/4" angular brush to shade face and hat with Burnt Umber. For the lines on the hat, use #0 liner with Burnt Umber. Use 1/4" flat to dry brush* cheeks with Deep Burgundy. Base hair with Honey Brown and add highlights of Marigold. Outline hair with Black. Details in the face are added with Black. Add highlight for the eyes with Light Buttermilk. Base color for the pants is Blueberry; shade is Burnt Umber; and highlight with Light Buttermilk. The base color for the leg and shoe is Burnt Umber. Add Black shades and Light Buttermilk highlights to the shoes.
Sunflower: Base the sunflower with Emperor's Gold, and its center with Royal Ruby. The highlights are painted with Emperor's Gold. Using the wood tip of brush handle, paint the dots with Black.
Melon slice: Basecoat melon with Deep Burgundy. Basecoat rind with Green Pearl. Highlight with Light Buttermilk and add seeds with Black.
Crow: Paint body with Black and beak with Marigold. Dot eye with Light Buttermilk and allow to dry. Re-dot eye with Black.
Pumpkin: Base with Georgia Clay and shade with Burnt Umber. Highlights are Light
Buttermilk. The vines are painted with Green Pearl. The squiggly lines are made with the #441 Black Indenti-Pen. Decorative dots are painted with Light Buttermilk.
Allow a complete drying. Then cover with a thin cloth and press with a heat setting for 30 seconds.
NOTE: Wait one week before laundering on gentle cycle.
This craft reprinted courtesy of
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window
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